Kitesurfing brands

Kitesurfing brands

How many kitesurfing brands do you think there are? 40, 60 or 80? In this kitesurf blog we have listed them for you. Not only the kitesurfing brands themselves but also what they have to offer. Kites, kiteboards, kitefoils, foil wings and maybe even wing surfing equipment.

Stormy growth of kitesurfing brands

The kitesurfing industry has grown rapidly in recent years. Lots of new kitesurfing brands and manufacturers. All super interesting kite surfing brands. In fact, always started by passionate kite surfers. It was certainly not only the windsurfing brands that started making kitesurfing products. There were also pioneers who set to work from their garage at home. Each and every one of them has contributed to what kite surfing can now offer.